Dennis Mackay "Discography"

Dennis Mackay
album credits
album covers

Bassist Nikki Ferari  ( ) is in the progress of  compiling the most accurate and up to the minute discography on  record producer and recording engineer Dennis Mackay. Dennis Mackay  Is considered by Nikki Ferrari and  any music  industry professionals who have  worked with Dennis to be one of the best producers and recording engineers in the world.  
 This page is still a work in progress Due to Nikki's long hospitalization, however continue on to the next pages and you will still find  the begining a what will become the most complete and accurate discography on Dennis (the one and only) MacKay 
 We expect to have this site totally completed by Febuarary  21st , 2005. So please be sure to come back and visit us and be sure to sign the guest book as well! 
 We will be adding a cool Links page and  contacts page for those who are intrested in providing additional information or updates as well as a page of additionl web based sites and also an articles and review page. There will also be an artist's and professionals page for comments and  experiences they have had working with Dennis MacKay who is also noted for having an incredible wonderful personality.
As soon as bassist Nikki Ferrari is out  of the Hospital we will also have his take on his experience and unique stories of  working with Dennis MacKay as well!
 Thanks for stopping by and please visit  again soon!